RAG for Domain-Specific QA with Reference using T5 & GPT-3.5-Turbo¶
Welcome to Nahid.org. Please note that the code examples and libraries used in these tutorials may be subject to their own licensing terms and restrictions. While I strive for accuracy, I cannot guarantee the complete correctness of the information presented. Any reliance you place on the tutorials or code examples is therefore strictly at your own discretion. You are not obligated to cite this website, but if you find it helpful, I would appreciate a reference to www.nahid.org/tutorials. If you have any questions, discover errors, or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact me. Email: nahid@cse.uiu.ac.bd
Tutorial-5 is a continuation of Tutorial-4. Therefore, please read the description in Tutorial-4 and complete it before proceeding here. Everything from importing libraries/packages to retrieving context articles (retrieved_articles_indices
) remains the same in both tutorials (Tutorial-4 and 5). In the previous tutorial, we did not add the reference of the article from which the model generated its answer. In this Tutorial-5, we will do that. We will explore different ways to accomplish this using T5-base
and GPT-3.5-Turbo
Once again, for this tutorial, we will demonstrate RAG on a news article dataset. I have downloaded a CNN news article dataset from Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hadasu92/cnn-articles-after-basic-cleaning). The 23.1 MB CSV dataset contains 4,729 articles with columns 'Index', 'Author', 'Date published', 'Category', 'Section', 'Url', 'Headline', 'Description', 'Keywords', 'Second headline', and 'article'. For simplicity, in this tutorial, we used only the main article body ('article' column).
First, let's import the necessary libraries, tools, and packages.
import pandas as pd
import torch
import os
import faiss
import numpy as np
import pickle
import openai
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration
from openai import OpenAI
from torch.nn.functional import softmax
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print(f">>We are using {device} device.<<")
>>We are using cuda device.<<
Now, import the dataset. Since the dataset has already been cleaned by the author, I decided to use it as it is. Due to computational limitations, I decided to use only the articles with a length of 512 words or less, creating a new dataset called df_filtered
df = pd.read_csv('nahidorg_files/news_articles.csv')
df['word_count'] = df['article'].astype(str).apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))
df_filtered = df[df['word_count'] <= 512].copy()
df_filtered = df_filtered.reset_index(drop=True)
Let's take a look at a random article (maybe 57?) in our filtered dataset.
' (CNN)Joe Biden has been president for a little over a year. And that year was not kind to him. In a new NPR/PBS/Marist College poll, more than half -- 56% -- of Americans said that Biden\'s first year in office was a "failure," while just 39% described it as a success. The news doesn\'t get better the more you dig into the survey. Two-thirds of independents said Biden\'s first year was a failure, while more than 9 in 10 Republicans (91%) agreed with that assessment.Read More Biden\'s numbers are better among Democrats -- 80% called year one a success -- but 15% of members of his own party described his first year in office as a failure. Now, asking such a binary question -- either Biden\'s first year was a success or a failure, with no room in the middle -- does tend to strip any nuance from issue. There are incredible complexities that go into assessing how a president has done. Oftentimes, a president is judged in one way during his time in office and in another after he leaves, once the impacts of his policies come into clearer focus. That said, elections tend to force voters to think in this all-or-nothing way. Either you vote for a Democrat or for a Republican. Either you vote to re-elect your incumbent or you choose the challenger.Seen through that political lens, these poll numbers are extremely problematic for Democrats on the ballot this fall. We know that, historically, the first midterm election of a president\'s term is a referendum on his time in office up to that point. The Point: If the public\'s report card on Biden\'s second year in office is anything like the one for his first year, Democrats can kiss their House and Senate majorities goodbye.'
Looks good. Let's save the new dataset with the word counts to our local storage.
Now, it's time for embeddings. Embeddings capture the semantic meaning of each article, allowing us to compare articles and find similar ones to the question. I have decided to use theall-MiniLM-L6-v2
(https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2) pretrained sentence transformer model, which is specifically designed to convert sentences (or whole articles) into numerical representations (embeddings). You can use any other model of your choice.
tokenizer_for_embeddings = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
model_for_embeddings = AutoModel.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2").to(device)
Now, the method nahidOrg_generate_article_embeddings
uses the model to tokenize and generate embeddings for all the articles. The dataset's 'article' column is converted into a list, and using a loop, embeddings are generated one by one. The embeddings of all articles are then combined into article_embeddings
def nahidOrg_generate_embeddings(text):
inputs = tokenizer_for_embeddings(text, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=512).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model_for_embeddings(**inputs)
return outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).squeeze().cpu().numpy()
articles = df_filtered['article'].tolist()
article_embeddings = []
for doc in tqdm(articles, desc="Generating Embeddings For All Articles:"):
Generating Embeddings For All Articles:: 100%|██████████| 1696/1696 [00:06<00:00, 262.87it/s]
The all-MiniLM-L6-v2
model maps each article to a 384-dimensional dense vector space. Let's examine the embeddings for the article with index 57 and check the length of each article in the vector space.
print(f"Dimension: {len(article_embeddings[57])} \nVectors: {article_embeddings[57]}" )
Dimension: 384 Vectors: [-2.01892834e-02 -1.14912458e-01 1.79007471e-01 -4.92094830e-02 -5.30712046e-02 7.04352325e-03 -6.71370029e-02 2.57717613e-02 2.37255320e-02 -9.33224242e-03 -8.10500458e-02 7.36312866e-02 1.02148175e-01 -8.13134760e-02 -3.62228192e-02 3.80506255e-02 -7.86402747e-02 -2.01281793e-02 5.02002379e-03 1.45729259e-01 1.04409298e-02 -1.39027685e-02 1.11154690e-02 -6.20222762e-02 9.10239220e-02 -7.37913623e-02 -4.15083878e-02 3.25369611e-02 -1.23255804e-01 2.53378414e-02 1.19637847e-01 8.17944389e-03 2.00212076e-02 -2.43159775e-02 1.35595892e-02 -8.83679613e-02 -3.15758251e-02 3.64803709e-02 7.26935565e-02 -9.51444544e-03 2.54194271e-02 -8.85571241e-02 -2.54622865e-02 -1.14408731e-01 -5.08983135e-02 -6.31365925e-02 3.24245319e-02 3.40552106e-02 5.87988272e-02 -1.88004668e-03 -6.26266152e-02 1.66669995e-01 1.19201124e-01 4.45382930e-02 6.01483397e-02 -8.27206299e-03 -9.85154882e-02 7.78866783e-02 -1.53992241e-02 1.42525025e-02 -3.11543774e-02 5.14553487e-02 -1.19240202e-01 4.12306329e-03 -7.37935677e-02 -2.59105470e-02 -1.80375129e-02 -6.41717166e-02 -1.26709357e-01 1.05186462e-01 4.82414998e-02 8.39416906e-02 -9.23505872e-02 2.80472543e-02 1.91233698e-02 -3.86493616e-02 6.80598915e-02 1.81943759e-01 7.24544674e-02 2.53408682e-02 2.24920530e-02 6.29734546e-02 -7.23356307e-02 4.58484553e-02 4.65138964e-02 -2.12726882e-03 3.29738073e-02 -7.56233409e-02 -5.63905947e-02 -2.50272937e-02 -1.33154660e-01 -9.14965477e-03 -3.69019061e-02 5.35627268e-02 2.02158943e-01 -1.00977151e-02 1.55723676e-01 9.80109349e-02 6.90655503e-03 9.96548012e-02 -1.07611544e-01 2.88127866e-02 -6.42951652e-02 -1.36958063e-01 5.53582385e-02 -2.78255343e-02 -2.55129691e-02 -4.73257825e-02 -8.44465941e-03 1.20440172e-02 -4.25070897e-02 -1.04748830e-01 1.21579366e-02 3.03675979e-03 5.20857424e-02 -2.02560917e-01 -3.79728228e-02 9.63516906e-03 -1.09964507e-02 9.28812623e-02 1.96290556e-02 7.86204413e-02 1.03023462e-02 -5.65868020e-02 1.00512005e-01 -1.32752120e-01 1.24412365e-02 7.16248104e-33 1.19891018e-01 -5.26563227e-02 -1.77421961e-02 1.51675925e-01 -2.12321073e-01 1.83724120e-01 -5.97830955e-03 -7.10825156e-03 4.57776971e-02 -9.86153912e-03 -1.29151061e-01 2.46302132e-02 1.03053777e-02 3.80883925e-02 1.26627252e-01 7.17195123e-02 -8.61205906e-02 1.61148757e-02 -7.43382871e-02 -5.68589531e-02 -6.19590543e-02 -8.01299140e-03 9.71254408e-02 -2.40886137e-02 6.21751361e-02 -8.09162185e-02 2.36392859e-02 -7.37583218e-03 -1.51392609e-01 3.70808644e-03 -2.84876078e-02 -5.69950938e-02 5.14408748e-04 2.88289171e-02 -1.39162689e-01 -1.02060236e-01 3.09253559e-02 3.40579301e-02 2.55051651e-04 -8.58151615e-02 -1.17827259e-01 9.74867120e-02 -2.52726750e-04 9.50914472e-02 4.28357571e-02 -2.27661822e-02 9.03079733e-02 2.51530334e-02 1.69970992e-03 5.42469434e-02 6.98917732e-02 1.77767515e-01 1.01885892e-01 8.10813680e-02 -9.86912847e-02 -1.11007482e-01 1.22445934e-02 -9.82034877e-02 -8.12226757e-02 -1.22838803e-01 -2.26601232e-02 4.77053151e-02 -6.41654432e-02 -1.08614881e-02 -3.07090618e-02 1.49837360e-01 -8.34392384e-02 1.04294000e-02 5.10281883e-03 3.26119661e-02 2.17934623e-02 -1.64406136e-01 -1.17238581e-01 -1.65872395e-01 1.78990573e-01 6.91657364e-02 1.64821178e-01 -5.91278300e-02 1.40000418e-01 -4.61488888e-02 -3.08363363e-02 -1.33843258e-01 1.85990557e-01 -3.38812172e-02 -5.19311614e-02 3.06764059e-02 1.77480459e-01 -1.51981702e-02 1.30993556e-02 -1.92077085e-02 4.39916961e-02 -2.84911580e-02 -5.51112257e-02 -2.18046065e-02 3.31922211e-02 -1.04522695e-32 -1.88462228e-01 -5.79406954e-02 2.62207408e-02 1.27757281e-01 1.27181839e-02 -3.79264951e-02 -5.52784167e-02 -2.30416469e-02 -5.83647713e-02 -2.54219115e-01 -2.61844024e-02 1.71815734e-02 4.38315831e-02 7.52230585e-02 -7.06655085e-02 6.00856207e-02 -2.07208153e-02 -1.67866483e-01 -5.72751127e-02 2.57421471e-02 9.98094380e-02 3.17116439e-01 -1.04443654e-01 1.74125526e-02 -9.59867090e-02 -8.14053193e-02 9.85870697e-03 -5.54250330e-02 7.70409703e-02 -1.08991869e-01 -1.89289656e-02 -4.53761034e-02 1.40071921e-02 -5.28207202e-05 1.14096463e-01 1.12393469e-01 -3.63129899e-02 -1.55875221e-01 -3.74694355e-02 1.44593731e-01 8.00276846e-02 -1.40194565e-01 2.20788550e-03 -3.04751918e-02 -3.28673087e-02 -2.96463221e-02 -5.44768460e-02 1.18773589e-02 -4.23803180e-02 5.94725125e-02 -5.59582226e-02 9.28407386e-02 -1.87613741e-02 1.03839673e-01 4.82336096e-02 -1.69674437e-02 -9.30988863e-02 3.17105800e-02 -2.40745451e-02 1.18087888e-01 -8.13131183e-02 3.80030856e-03 1.18802942e-01 -1.24176487e-01 -2.09780242e-02 3.49535681e-02 -5.48393987e-02 -5.74621744e-02 7.16111511e-02 2.26743314e-02 -3.67218740e-02 -5.19035533e-02 1.09749446e-02 -5.15675172e-03 1.32910743e-01 1.08401679e-01 -9.15631652e-02 -3.48400720e-03 -6.74914196e-02 4.15285081e-02 -1.56219482e-01 -4.18921150e-02 -7.06432983e-02 -1.18980460e-01 -3.10220085e-02 7.00604022e-02 6.02825470e-02 -2.23237425e-01 -9.32039618e-02 1.03252558e-02 5.32658678e-03 9.78887454e-03 -1.19128287e-01 1.99773479e-02 -4.64258976e-02 -1.00708078e-07 7.26036802e-02 8.89522061e-02 -2.14765109e-02 6.24277778e-02 2.73415893e-02 1.06242429e-02 1.06720245e-02 -7.04248622e-02 3.59466411e-02 -1.29500488e-02 2.42287114e-01 3.41082551e-02 -6.06526509e-02 -5.57040684e-02 1.64863933e-02 4.06796634e-02 -1.52448341e-02 6.12530559e-02 -8.88596773e-02 -1.06397524e-01 -2.21159104e-02 -1.11982645e-02 -6.37607574e-02 4.63510975e-02 4.92123440e-02 -5.90871684e-02 -3.05061154e-02 8.88455510e-02 -8.40443745e-02 -2.61514988e-02 1.06942005e-01 -5.11405133e-02 2.10148897e-02 -6.86062425e-02 2.30475832e-02 1.27767712e-01 -6.39184937e-02 4.55625989e-02 8.07546377e-02 -7.09113032e-02 4.98737767e-03 7.09691569e-02 -3.51500437e-02 3.77463177e-02 -4.36865501e-02 -3.76870893e-02 2.67856847e-02 1.61938712e-01 6.23990111e-02 -1.68922514e-01 -6.50245184e-03 9.39275622e-02 -3.83484401e-02 -2.91046929e-02 1.84935793e-01 7.51326382e-02 -4.41047400e-02 -1.81095749e-02 -5.84891066e-02 2.42759418e-02 -2.44450830e-02 4.38334122e-02 -1.06747225e-01 1.07360572e-01]
Additionally, you can save the embeddings for later use to reduce computation time for future work with the same dataset. I used the pickle library to save the embeddings, but you can use other methods or libraries as well.
with open('nahidOrg_files/article_embeddings.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(article_embeddings, f)
Loading the embeddings:
with open('nahidOrg_files/article_embeddings.pkl', 'rb') as f:
article_embeddings = pickle.load(f)
For efficient similarity search, I have used the FAISS
(Facebook AI Similarity Search) index. In my opinion, FAISS is excellent for similarity search. I used IndexFlatL2
indexing, which is highly accurate but a bit slow. It is perfect for small datasets like our news articles but not always suitable for larger datasets. If you are working with very large datasets, you can use IndexIVFFlat
indexing which is faster but not as accurate as IndexFlatL2
. First, we determine the dimension of the article embeddings (384). Next, the IndexFlatL2 FAISS index, which uses the L2 (Euclidean) distance metric to measure similarity between article vectors, is used.
dimension = len(article_embeddings[0])
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension)
Now, it's time to retrieve similar articles that might contain the answer to the user's question. The method nahidOrg_retrieve_documents
takes the question's embeddings and a value for k
, representing the number of articles you want to retrieve. The method returns the indices of the articles that might contain the answer.
def nahidOrg_retrieve_documents(query_embedding, k):
distances, indices = index.search(np.array([query_embedding]), k)
return indices[0]
Now, let's take the question and find its embeddings.
question = "What is the estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports, according to the Commission?"
question_embeddings = nahidOrg_generate_embeddings(question)
Now, with the embeddings of the question, we will search and retrieve the k=3
closest candidate articles that might contain the answer.
retrieved_articles_indices = nahidOrg_retrieve_documents(question_embeddings, 3)
array([0, 4, 2], dtype=int64)
For the question 'What is the estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports, according to the Commission?
', we got three article indices, [0, 4, 2], since 𝑘 = 3
. You can adjust this according to your needs.
The code in Tutorial-4 retrieves the top 3 articles relevant to the query, combines them into a single context, and then uses the T5-base
model to generate an answer. However, it doesn't track which article the answer came from, making it difficult to provide appropriate reference (author and publication date).
To solve this, we can modify the nahidOrg_answer_by_t5
function to process each retrieved article individually. The model generates an answer also finds the confidence score of each answer
model_name = "t5-base"
tokenizer_t5_base = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, legacy=False)
model_t5_base = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name).to(device)
def nahidOrg_answer_by_t5(question, context, max_length=150):
input_text = f"question: {question} context: {context}"
input_ids = tokenizer_t5_base.encode(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
outputs = model_t5_base.generate(input_ids, max_length=max_length, num_beams=5, early_stopping=True, return_dict_in_generate=True,output_scores=True)
answer = tokenizer_t5_base.decode(outputs.sequences[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
#The following portion is newly added in Tutorial-5 in the method nahidOrg_answer_by_t5 to find out the confidence score.
#To achieve this, we needed output scores, so we enabled return_dict_in_generate and output_scores to True in the parameters of model.generate.
logits = torch.stack(outputs.scores, dim=1)
probabilities = softmax(logits, dim=-1)
gen_sequence_indices = outputs.sequences[:, 1:].unsqueeze(-1)
probabilities = probabilities[:, :gen_sequence_indices.shape[1], :]
generated_token_probs = probabilities.gather(2, gen_sequence_indices).squeeze(-1)
avg_confidence = generated_token_probs.mean().item()
return answer, avg_confidence
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Now, let's use the T5-base model to generate answers for the same question based on each retrieved context [0, 4, 2]. We will store all answers with the necessary references (author and date_published) that we want to display with the answers. To do this efficiently, I decided to use a dictionary which will contain author names, publication dates, answers, and their confidence scores.
all_answers = []
for index in retrieved_articles_indices:
answer_entry = {}
answer_entry['author'] = df_filtered['author'][index]
answer_entry['date_published'] = df_filtered['date_published'][index]
answer, confidence = nahidOrg_answer_by_t5(question, df_filtered['article'][index])
answer_entry['answer'] = answer
answer_entry['confidence'] = confidence
Let's see all the answers and their confidence scores for all 3 articles.
[{'author': 'Reuters', 'date_published': '2022-03-15 11:27:02', 'answer': '3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion)', 'confidence': 0.9915035963058472}, {'author': 'Matt Egan, CNN Business', 'date_published': '2022-03-14 12:55:43', 'answer': 'nearly $10 billion', 'confidence': 0.31741154193878174}, {'author': 'Reuters', 'date_published': '2022-03-15 04:49:54', 'answer': 'a 1 million yen ($8,487.52) fine', 'confidence': 0.009797605685889721}]
We can clearly see that the model is 99% confident about the answer '3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion)'. Now, we will use a loop to find the answer with the highest confidence and display the result with its reference.
highest_conf = -1
for answer in all_answers:
if highest_conf < answer['confidence']:
highest_conf = answer['confidence']
answer_with_reference = answer['answer'] + ' [' + answer['author'] + ' ' + answer['date_published'] + ']'
'3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion) [Reuters 2022-03-15 11:27:02]'
Now, we will try to do the same using GPT-3.5-Turbo
. However, the OpenAI APIs do not provide any sort of confidence or output scores, not even log probabilities. Therefore, it is difficult for GPT models. However, I managed to do it with a little trick.
The plan is simple: we will merge all 3 articles together in the usual way and use the gpt-3.5-turbo
model to generate an answer just like in Tutorial-4. Later, we will generate 3 answers for the 3 most relevant articles individually. Next, we will find out the similarity between each individual answer and the merged-article answer. The individual answer with the highest similarity score to the merged answer indicates the article that contains the answer.
Now, we will merge the 3 most relevant articles together to generate an answer based on the whole scenario.
retrived_articles_series = pd.Series(retrived_articles_indices)
retrieved_text_articles = retrived_articles_series.apply(lambda x: df_filtered['article'][x]).tolist()
def nahidOrg_processing_context(docs, max_tokens=1536):
processed_docs = []
total_tokens = 0
for doc in docs:
tokens = len(doc.split())
if total_tokens + tokens <= max_tokens:
total_tokens += tokens
return "\n".join(f"- {doc}" for doc in processed_docs)
final_retrived_contexts = nahidOrg_processing_context(retrieved_text_articles)
The method nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo will take a question and context to generate an answer. Details about GPT-3.5-Turbo, model pricing, API key, and other information can be found in Tutorial-4 below Cell 61.
def nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo(question, contexts, max_tokens):
prompt = f"""Answer the question based on the provided context. If the context doesn't contain the answer, say "Sorry Nahid! I don't have enough information to answer that."
**Question:** {question}
**Context:** {contexts}
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an intelligent assistant that answers questions based on the provided context."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
response = client.chat.completions.create(
return response.choices[0].message.content
Finding the answer based on all 3 merged articles.
answer_gpt35 = nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo(question, final_retrived_contexts ,250)
'The estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports is 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion), according to the Commission.'
Now, just like T5-base
, we will use the GPT-3.5-Turbo
model to generate answers for the same question based on each retrieved context [0, 4, 2]. We will store all answers with the necessary references (author and date_published) that we want to display with the answers. To do this efficiently, I decided to use a dictionary which will contain author names, publication dates, answers. For similarity check we need embeddings, which we generate later.
all_answers_gpt35 = []
for index in retrieved_articles_indices:
answer_entry = {}
answer_entry['author'] = df_filtered['author'][index]
answer_entry['date_published'] = df_filtered['date_published'][index]
answer = nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo(question, df_filtered['article'][index],250)
answer_entry['answer'] = answer
answer_entry['embeddings'] = ""
Let's see how GPT-3.5 generated answers for each article.
[{'author': 'Reuters', 'date_published': '2022-03-15 11:27:02', 'answer': 'The estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports is 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion), according to the Commission.', 'embeddings': ''}, {'author': 'Matt Egan, CNN Business', 'date_published': '2022-03-14 12:55:43', 'answer': "Sorry Nahid! I don't have enough information to answer that.", 'embeddings': ''}, {'author': 'Reuters', 'date_published': '2022-03-15 04:49:54', 'answer': "Sorry Nahid! I don't have enough information to answer that.", 'embeddings': ''}]
We can see that for the last two articles, its answer is 'Sorry Nahid! I don't have enough information to answer that,' which indicates that the model did not find an appropriate, meaningful answer for this question in those articles, which seems perfectly correct. Even though, using our human judgment, we know there is only one perfect answer, machines are blind. Therefore, we will proceed as planned.
Now, it’s time to find the embeddings of all individual answers and the answer from the merged articles. Using FAISS, we will find the distances and indices of answers in the all_answers_gpt35 dictionary, sorted accordingly. Please note that these indices are not the indices of the main article dataset, but rather the indices in the dictionary. Since the dictionary already contains the necessary references, we don’t need the actual indices of the articles in the dataset. However, that can be achieved easily with a minor tweak.
for each_answer in all_answers_gpt35:
each_answer['embeddings'] = nahidOrg_generate_embeddings(each_answer['answer'])
embeddings = [answer['embeddings'] for answer in all_answers_gpt35]
dimension = len(embeddings[0])
index_gpt35_answers = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension)
distances, indices = index_gpt35_answers.search(np.array([nahidOrg_generate_embeddings(answer_gpt35)]), 3)
print(f"Sorted Indices in all_answers_gpt35 dictionary: {indices}\nDistances: {distances}")
Sorted Indices in all_answers_gpt35 dictionary: [[0 1 2]] Distances: [[ 0. 17.777369 17.777369]]
Since the indices in the indices
list are sorted, we can be certain that the first index ([0][0]
) in the all_answers_gpt35
dictionary contains the correct answer. Now, let's format the output with the author’s name and the date published as references.
answer_with_reference_gpt35 = all_answers_gpt35[indices[0][0]]['answer'] + '[' + all_answers_gpt35[indices[0][0]]['author'] + ' ' + all_answers_gpt35[indices[0][0]]['date_published'] + ']'
'The estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports is 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion), according to the Commission.[Reuters 2022-03-15 11:27:02]'
You can post-process the answer according to your preference. This is the end of this tutorial. I encourage you to explore other PLLMs and techniques to achieve even better answers and formatting. Thanks for visiting nahid.org!