RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) for Domain-Specific QA using GPT-3.5-Turbo¶
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Today, we will learn about RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), an amazing technique that optimizes the output of LLMs. LLMs generate results based on their trained data. However, most of the time, LLMs do not provide highly accurate answers for specific domains, fields or companies. Sometimes, LLMs hallucinate, generating incorrect information about a domain, topic, or company if they do not have enough information about them. Moreover, LLMs generally have their training cut-off dates. After that particular date, the model has no knowledge of what happened beyond that point.
RAG helps LLMs provide up-to-date and accurate domain-specific results. Suppose you are a decision-maker at UIU (my university) and you want to build a model that can answer any question related to UIU. Developing a model from scratch specifically for UIU would cost a lot of money, computing resources, and time. Instead, you can use a pretrained LLMs (such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4.0, Llama, Jurassic-2, Claude, etc.) to answer UIU-related questions.
However, these LLMs may not have enough information about UIU, may have outdated data (before the cut-off date), or might provide hallucinated results. Therefore, we cannot rely solely on these LLMs. Instead, we will enhance these models to provide up-to-date, accurate, and specific results about UIU.
In short, RAG works as follows:
- Step 1: Dataset Creation
- Collect or scrape raw plain texts by section, paragraph, or article.
- Preprocess or filter the raw data.
- Step 2: Generate Embeddings
- Convert data into numerical representations.
- Step 3: Store Embeddings
- Store embeddings in a vector database.
- Step 4: Retrieve Relevant Data
- Take a question from the user.
- Generate a vector representation of the question.
- Search and retrieve similar data (section, paragraph, or article) by comparing the question's vector representation with the vectors in the database.
- Step 5: Merge Top K Relevant Data
- Merge the top K relevant articles as context (in this tutorial, K=3 means the top 3 relevant articles).
- Step 6: Create a Prompt for the LLM
- Create a prompt for the PLLM (in this tutorial, GPT-3.5-turbo) with a simple instruction, the question, and the context to generate an appropriate answer.
- Step 7: Postprocess the Answer
- Postprocess the answer if necessary.
For this tutorial, we will demonstrate RAG on a news article dataset. I have downloaded a CNN news article dataset from Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hadasu92/cnn-articles-after-basic-cleaning). The 23.1 MB CSV dataset contains 4,729 articles with columns 'Index', 'Author', 'Date published', 'Category', 'Section', 'Url', 'Headline', 'Description', 'Keywords', 'Second headline', and 'article'. For simplicity, in this tutorial, we used only the main article body ('article' column).
First, let's import the necessary libraries, tools, and packages.
import pandas as pd
import torch
import os
import faiss
import numpy as np
import pickle
import openai
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration
from openai import OpenAI
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print(f">>We are using {device} device.<<")
>>We are using cuda device.<<
Now, import the dataset. Since the dataset has already been cleaned by the author, I decided to use it as it is. Due to computational limitations, I decided to use only the articles with a length of 512 words or less, creating a new dataset called df_filtered
df = pd.read_csv('nahidorg_files/news_articles.csv')
df['word_count'] = df['article'].astype(str).apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))
df_filtered = df[df['word_count'] <= 512].copy()
df_filtered = df_filtered.reset_index(drop=True)
Let's take a look at a random article (maybe 57?) in our filtered dataset.
' (CNN)Joe Biden has been president for a little over a year. And that year was not kind to him. In a new NPR/PBS/Marist College poll, more than half -- 56% -- of Americans said that Biden\'s first year in office was a "failure," while just 39% described it as a success. The news doesn\'t get better the more you dig into the survey. Two-thirds of independents said Biden\'s first year was a failure, while more than 9 in 10 Republicans (91%) agreed with that assessment.Read More Biden\'s numbers are better among Democrats -- 80% called year one a success -- but 15% of members of his own party described his first year in office as a failure. Now, asking such a binary question -- either Biden\'s first year was a success or a failure, with no room in the middle -- does tend to strip any nuance from issue. There are incredible complexities that go into assessing how a president has done. Oftentimes, a president is judged in one way during his time in office and in another after he leaves, once the impacts of his policies come into clearer focus. That said, elections tend to force voters to think in this all-or-nothing way. Either you vote for a Democrat or for a Republican. Either you vote to re-elect your incumbent or you choose the challenger.Seen through that political lens, these poll numbers are extremely problematic for Democrats on the ballot this fall. We know that, historically, the first midterm election of a president\'s term is a referendum on his time in office up to that point. The Point: If the public\'s report card on Biden\'s second year in office is anything like the one for his first year, Democrats can kiss their House and Senate majorities goodbye.'
Looks good. Let's save the new dataset with the word counts to our local storage.
Now, it's time for embeddings. Embeddings capture the semantic meaning of each article, allowing us to compare articles and find similar ones to the question. I have decided to use theall-MiniLM-L6-v2
(https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2) pretrained sentence transformer model, which is specifically designed to convert sentences (or whole articles) into numerical representations (embeddings). You can use any other model of your choice.
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2").to(device)
Now, the method nahidOrg_generate_article_embeddings
uses the model to tokenize and generate embeddings for all the articles. The dataset's 'article' column is converted into a list, and using a loop, embeddings are generated one by one. The embeddings of all articles are then combined into article_embeddings
def nahidOrg_generate_embeddings(text):
inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=512).to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(**inputs)
return outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).squeeze().cpu().numpy()
articles = df_filtered['article'].tolist()
article_embeddings = []
for doc in tqdm(articles, desc="Generating Embeddings For All Articles:"):
Generating Embeddings For All Articles:: 100%|██████████| 1696/1696 [00:15<00:00, 110.30it/s]
The all-MiniLM-L6-v2
model maps each article to a 384-dimensional dense vector space. Let's examine the embeddings for the article with index 57 and check the length of each article in the vector space.
print(f"Dimension: {len(article_embeddings[57])} \nVectors: {article_embeddings[57]}" )
Dimension: 384 Vectors: [-2.01892834e-02 -1.14912458e-01 1.79007471e-01 -4.92094830e-02 -5.30712046e-02 7.04352325e-03 -6.71370029e-02 2.57717613e-02 2.37255320e-02 -9.33224242e-03 -8.10500458e-02 7.36312866e-02 1.02148175e-01 -8.13134760e-02 -3.62228192e-02 3.80506255e-02 -7.86402747e-02 -2.01281793e-02 5.02002379e-03 1.45729259e-01 1.04409298e-02 -1.39027685e-02 1.11154690e-02 -6.20222762e-02 9.10239220e-02 -7.37913623e-02 -4.15083878e-02 3.25369611e-02 -1.23255804e-01 2.53378414e-02 1.19637847e-01 8.17944389e-03 2.00212076e-02 -2.43159775e-02 1.35595892e-02 -8.83679613e-02 -3.15758251e-02 3.64803709e-02 7.26935565e-02 -9.51444544e-03 2.54194271e-02 -8.85571241e-02 -2.54622865e-02 -1.14408731e-01 -5.08983135e-02 -6.31365925e-02 3.24245319e-02 3.40552106e-02 5.87988272e-02 -1.88004668e-03 -6.26266152e-02 1.66669995e-01 1.19201124e-01 4.45382930e-02 6.01483397e-02 -8.27206299e-03 -9.85154882e-02 7.78866783e-02 -1.53992241e-02 1.42525025e-02 -3.11543774e-02 5.14553487e-02 -1.19240202e-01 4.12306329e-03 -7.37935677e-02 -2.59105470e-02 -1.80375129e-02 -6.41717166e-02 -1.26709357e-01 1.05186462e-01 4.82414998e-02 8.39416906e-02 -9.23505872e-02 2.80472543e-02 1.91233698e-02 -3.86493616e-02 6.80598915e-02 1.81943759e-01 7.24544674e-02 2.53408682e-02 2.24920530e-02 6.29734546e-02 -7.23356307e-02 4.58484553e-02 4.65138964e-02 -2.12726882e-03 3.29738073e-02 -7.56233409e-02 -5.63905947e-02 -2.50272937e-02 -1.33154660e-01 -9.14965477e-03 -3.69019061e-02 5.35627268e-02 2.02158943e-01 -1.00977151e-02 1.55723676e-01 9.80109349e-02 6.90655503e-03 9.96548012e-02 -1.07611544e-01 2.88127866e-02 -6.42951652e-02 -1.36958063e-01 5.53582385e-02 -2.78255343e-02 -2.55129691e-02 -4.73257825e-02 -8.44465941e-03 1.20440172e-02 -4.25070897e-02 -1.04748830e-01 1.21579366e-02 3.03675979e-03 5.20857424e-02 -2.02560917e-01 -3.79728228e-02 9.63516906e-03 -1.09964507e-02 9.28812623e-02 1.96290556e-02 7.86204413e-02 1.03023462e-02 -5.65868020e-02 1.00512005e-01 -1.32752120e-01 1.24412365e-02 7.16248104e-33 1.19891018e-01 -5.26563227e-02 -1.77421961e-02 1.51675925e-01 -2.12321073e-01 1.83724120e-01 -5.97830955e-03 -7.10825156e-03 4.57776971e-02 -9.86153912e-03 -1.29151061e-01 2.46302132e-02 1.03053777e-02 3.80883925e-02 1.26627252e-01 7.17195123e-02 -8.61205906e-02 1.61148757e-02 -7.43382871e-02 -5.68589531e-02 -6.19590543e-02 -8.01299140e-03 9.71254408e-02 -2.40886137e-02 6.21751361e-02 -8.09162185e-02 2.36392859e-02 -7.37583218e-03 -1.51392609e-01 3.70808644e-03 -2.84876078e-02 -5.69950938e-02 5.14408748e-04 2.88289171e-02 -1.39162689e-01 -1.02060236e-01 3.09253559e-02 3.40579301e-02 2.55051651e-04 -8.58151615e-02 -1.17827259e-01 9.74867120e-02 -2.52726750e-04 9.50914472e-02 4.28357571e-02 -2.27661822e-02 9.03079733e-02 2.51530334e-02 1.69970992e-03 5.42469434e-02 6.98917732e-02 1.77767515e-01 1.01885892e-01 8.10813680e-02 -9.86912847e-02 -1.11007482e-01 1.22445934e-02 -9.82034877e-02 -8.12226757e-02 -1.22838803e-01 -2.26601232e-02 4.77053151e-02 -6.41654432e-02 -1.08614881e-02 -3.07090618e-02 1.49837360e-01 -8.34392384e-02 1.04294000e-02 5.10281883e-03 3.26119661e-02 2.17934623e-02 -1.64406136e-01 -1.17238581e-01 -1.65872395e-01 1.78990573e-01 6.91657364e-02 1.64821178e-01 -5.91278300e-02 1.40000418e-01 -4.61488888e-02 -3.08363363e-02 -1.33843258e-01 1.85990557e-01 -3.38812172e-02 -5.19311614e-02 3.06764059e-02 1.77480459e-01 -1.51981702e-02 1.30993556e-02 -1.92077085e-02 4.39916961e-02 -2.84911580e-02 -5.51112257e-02 -2.18046065e-02 3.31922211e-02 -1.04522695e-32 -1.88462228e-01 -5.79406954e-02 2.62207408e-02 1.27757281e-01 1.27181839e-02 -3.79264951e-02 -5.52784167e-02 -2.30416469e-02 -5.83647713e-02 -2.54219115e-01 -2.61844024e-02 1.71815734e-02 4.38315831e-02 7.52230585e-02 -7.06655085e-02 6.00856207e-02 -2.07208153e-02 -1.67866483e-01 -5.72751127e-02 2.57421471e-02 9.98094380e-02 3.17116439e-01 -1.04443654e-01 1.74125526e-02 -9.59867090e-02 -8.14053193e-02 9.85870697e-03 -5.54250330e-02 7.70409703e-02 -1.08991869e-01 -1.89289656e-02 -4.53761034e-02 1.40071921e-02 -5.28207202e-05 1.14096463e-01 1.12393469e-01 -3.63129899e-02 -1.55875221e-01 -3.74694355e-02 1.44593731e-01 8.00276846e-02 -1.40194565e-01 2.20788550e-03 -3.04751918e-02 -3.28673087e-02 -2.96463221e-02 -5.44768460e-02 1.18773589e-02 -4.23803180e-02 5.94725125e-02 -5.59582226e-02 9.28407386e-02 -1.87613741e-02 1.03839673e-01 4.82336096e-02 -1.69674437e-02 -9.30988863e-02 3.17105800e-02 -2.40745451e-02 1.18087888e-01 -8.13131183e-02 3.80030856e-03 1.18802942e-01 -1.24176487e-01 -2.09780242e-02 3.49535681e-02 -5.48393987e-02 -5.74621744e-02 7.16111511e-02 2.26743314e-02 -3.67218740e-02 -5.19035533e-02 1.09749446e-02 -5.15675172e-03 1.32910743e-01 1.08401679e-01 -9.15631652e-02 -3.48400720e-03 -6.74914196e-02 4.15285081e-02 -1.56219482e-01 -4.18921150e-02 -7.06432983e-02 -1.18980460e-01 -3.10220085e-02 7.00604022e-02 6.02825470e-02 -2.23237425e-01 -9.32039618e-02 1.03252558e-02 5.32658678e-03 9.78887454e-03 -1.19128287e-01 1.99773479e-02 -4.64258976e-02 -1.00708078e-07 7.26036802e-02 8.89522061e-02 -2.14765109e-02 6.24277778e-02 2.73415893e-02 1.06242429e-02 1.06720245e-02 -7.04248622e-02 3.59466411e-02 -1.29500488e-02 2.42287114e-01 3.41082551e-02 -6.06526509e-02 -5.57040684e-02 1.64863933e-02 4.06796634e-02 -1.52448341e-02 6.12530559e-02 -8.88596773e-02 -1.06397524e-01 -2.21159104e-02 -1.11982645e-02 -6.37607574e-02 4.63510975e-02 4.92123440e-02 -5.90871684e-02 -3.05061154e-02 8.88455510e-02 -8.40443745e-02 -2.61514988e-02 1.06942005e-01 -5.11405133e-02 2.10148897e-02 -6.86062425e-02 2.30475832e-02 1.27767712e-01 -6.39184937e-02 4.55625989e-02 8.07546377e-02 -7.09113032e-02 4.98737767e-03 7.09691569e-02 -3.51500437e-02 3.77463177e-02 -4.36865501e-02 -3.76870893e-02 2.67856847e-02 1.61938712e-01 6.23990111e-02 -1.68922514e-01 -6.50245184e-03 9.39275622e-02 -3.83484401e-02 -2.91046929e-02 1.84935793e-01 7.51326382e-02 -4.41047400e-02 -1.81095749e-02 -5.84891066e-02 2.42759418e-02 -2.44450830e-02 4.38334122e-02 -1.06747225e-01 1.07360572e-01]
Additionally, you can save the embeddings for later use to reduce computation time for future work with the same dataset. I used the pickle library to save the embeddings, but you can use other methods or libraries as well.
with open('nahidOrg_files/article_embeddings.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(article_embeddings, f)
Loading the embeddings:
with open('nahidOrg_files/article_embeddings.pkl', 'rb') as f:
article_embeddings = pickle.load(f)
For efficient similarity search, I have used the FAISS
(Facebook AI Similarity Search) index. In my opinion, FAISS is excellent for similarity search. I used IndexFlatL2
indexing, which is highly accurate but a bit slow. It is perfect for small datasets like our news articles but not always suitable for larger datasets. If you are working with very large datasets, you can use IndexIVFFlat
indexing which is faster but not as accurate as IndexFlatL2
. First, we determine the dimension of the article embeddings (384). Next, the IndexFlatL2 FAISS index, which uses the L2 (Euclidean) distance metric to measure similarity between article vectors, is used.
dimension = len(article_embeddings[0])
index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(dimension)
Now, it's time to retrieve similar articles that might contain the answer to the user's question. The method nahidOrg_retrieve_documents
takes the question's embeddings and a value for k
, representing the number of articles you want to retrieve. The method returns the indices of the articles that might contain the answer.
def nahidOrg_retrieve_documents(query_embedding, k):
distances, indices = index.search(np.array([query_embedding]), k)
return indices[0]
Now, let's take the question and find its embeddings.
question = "What is the estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports, according to the Commission?"
question_embeddings = nahidOrg_generate_embeddings(question)
Now, with the embeddings of the question, we will search and retrieve the k=3
closest candidate articles that might contain the answer.
retrived_articles_indices = nahidOrg_retrieve_documents(question_embeddings, 3)
array([0, 4, 2], dtype=int64)
For the question 'What is the estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports, according to the Commission?
', we got three article indices, [0, 4, 2], since 𝑘 = 3
. You can adjust this according to your needs. Now, let's find the actual plain text articles for indices 0, 4, and 2.
retrived_articles_series = pd.Series(retrived_articles_indices)
retrieved_text_articles = retrived_articles_series.apply(lambda x: df_filtered['article'][x]).tolist()
Let's see the retrieved articles from the indices:
['The European Union formally approved on Tuesday a new barrage of sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, which include bans on investments in the Russian energy sector, luxury goods exports and imports of steel products from Russia.The sanctions, which come into effect after publication in the EU official journal later on Tuesday, also freeze the assets of more business leaders who support the Russian state, including Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich. The European Commission said in a statement on Tuesday that the sanctions included "a far-reaching ban on new investment across the Russian energy sector with limited exceptions for civil nuclear energy and the transport of certain energy products back to the EU."The measure will hit Russia\'s oil majors Rosneft, Transneft and Gazprom Neft (GZPFY), but EU members will be still able to buy oil and gas from them, an EU source told Reuters.There will also be a total ban on transactions with some Russian state-owned enterprises linked to the Kremlin\'s military-industrial complex, the EU executive said.Read MoreThe bloc reached a preliminary agreement on the new sanctions on Monday, and no objections were raised before an agreed deadline.The ban on Russian steel imports is estimated to affect 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion) worth of products, the Commission said.EU companies will also be no longer allowed to export any luxury goods worth more than 300 euros, including jewelry. Exports of cars costing more than 50,000 euros will also be banned, EU sources said.The package also prohibits EU credit rating agencies from issuing ratings for Russia and Russian companies, which the Commission says will further restrict their access to European financial markets.The latest sanctions follow three rounds of punitive measures which included freezing of assets of the Russian central bank and the exclusion from the SWIFT banking system of some Russian and Belarusian banks.The EU also agreed on Tuesday to strip Russia of its "most-favored nation" trade status, opening the door to punitive tariffs on Russian goods or outright import bans.UK slaps 35% tariff on Russian vodkaThe UK government also announced a fresh round of sanctions on Russia on Tuesday. It will ban the export of luxury goods to Russia and will introduce tariffs on Russian goods worth more than $1 billion. The additional 35% tariff will be applied to imports including vodka, steel, works of art and fur. The United Kingdom will also deny Russia and Belarus access to its most favoured nation trading tariff for hundreds of their exports, effectively depriving both countries of key benefits of their WTO membership."Our new tariffs will further isolate the Russian economy from global trade, ensuring it does not benefit from the rules-based international system it does not respect. These tariffs build on the UK\'s existing work to starve Russia\'s access to international finance, sanction Putin\'s cronies and exert maximum economic pressure on his regime," finance minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement.— CNN\'s Rob North contributed to this article. ', 'New York (CNN Business)Citigroup, the major US bank with the biggest footprint in Russia, said Monday it will expand its exit from Russia to go beyond the long-planned sale of its consumer bank there.Citi said in a statement it has decided to "expand the scope" of its exit process to include "other lines of business and continue to reduce our remaining operations and exposure" in Russia."Due to the nature of banking and financial services operations, this decision will take time to execute," Citi said, adding that it is "moving with urgency" to complete the assessment of its Russia operations.Here are the companies pulling back from RussiaCiti did not detail specifically which operations will be unwound, but the bank provides investment and corporate banking services in Russia to institutions and high net-worth individuals. In April 2021, Citi disclosed its intent to exit its consumer business in Russia.Citi\'s latest announcement comes after Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan announced last week they will leave Russia. Deutsche Bank on Friday said it will get out of Russia, reversing its previous position.Read MoreCiti has nearly $10 billion worth of exposure to Russia as of the end of last year, according to regulatory filings. "We will continue to manage our existing regulatory commitments and our obligations to depositors, as well as support all of our employees during this very difficult time," Citi said Monday.', 'Japanese authorities ordered crypto exchanges on Monday not to process transactions involving crypto assets subject to asset-freeze sanctions against Russia and Belarus over the war in Ukraine.The step was taken after a Group of Seven (G7) statement on Friday that said Western nations "will impose costs on illicit Russian actors using digital assets to enhance and transfer their wealth."There are growing concerns among G7 advanced economies that cryptocurrencies are being used by Russian entities as a loophole for financial sanctions imposed upon the country for invading Ukraine.The US Treasury Department issued new guidance on Friday that required US-based cryptocurrency firms not to engage in transactions with sanction targets."We decided to make an announcement to keep the G7 momentum alive," said a senior official at Japan\'s Financial Services Agency. "The sooner the better."Read MoreCoinbase, Binance resist calls to kick Russians off crypto platformsThe Japanese government will strengthen measures against the transfer of funds using crypto assets that would violate the sanctions, the FSA and the Ministry of Finance said in a joint statement.Japan has lagged a global shift among financial regulators in setting stricter rules on private digital currencies, while the G7 rich powers and the Group of 20 powerhouses have all called for greater regulation of "stablecoins."Unauthorized payments to targets under sanctions, including through crypto assets, are subject to punishment of up to three years in prison or a 1 million yen ($8,487.52) fine, the FSA said on Monday.There were 31 crypto exchanges in Japan as of March 4, according to an industry association.Global regulators remain concerned about the safety of the new market for investors, given its surge in popularity. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has cited the potential for market manipulation as one of the primary reasons for rejecting several applications for spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds.']
Looks great. The retrieved article is similar to the question and might contain the answer. If you carefully read the articles, the first article actually contains the answer. However, let's assume we don't know this. Now, it's time to ensure the input token limit for the LLM. Since each article was previously limited to a maximum of 512
tokens, 3 articles combined should not have more than 1536
(512x3 = 1536) tokens. The next step is to merge all 3 articles together with a hyphen ('-
') indicating the start of each article. This hyphen is only for visual representation to identify the next article; you can omit it if you prefer. The method nahidOrg_processing_context
returns the final context.
def nahidOrg_processing_context(docs, max_tokens=1536):
processed_docs = []
total_tokens = 0
for doc in docs:
tokens = len(doc.split())
if total_tokens + tokens <= max_tokens:
total_tokens += tokens
return "\n".join(f"- {doc}" for doc in processed_docs)
final_retrived_contexts = nahidOrg_processing_context(retrieved_text_articles)
Let's see the final context:
'- The European Union formally approved on Tuesday a new barrage of sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, which include bans on investments in the Russian energy sector, luxury goods exports and imports of steel products from Russia.The sanctions, which come into effect after publication in the EU official journal later on Tuesday, also freeze the assets of more business leaders who support the Russian state, including Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich. The European Commission said in a statement on Tuesday that the sanctions included "a far-reaching ban on new investment across the Russian energy sector with limited exceptions for civil nuclear energy and the transport of certain energy products back to the EU."The measure will hit Russia\'s oil majors Rosneft, Transneft and Gazprom Neft (GZPFY), but EU members will be still able to buy oil and gas from them, an EU source told Reuters.There will also be a total ban on transactions with some Russian state-owned enterprises linked to the Kremlin\'s military-industrial complex, the EU executive said.Read MoreThe bloc reached a preliminary agreement on the new sanctions on Monday, and no objections were raised before an agreed deadline.The ban on Russian steel imports is estimated to affect 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion) worth of products, the Commission said.EU companies will also be no longer allowed to export any luxury goods worth more than 300 euros, including jewelry. Exports of cars costing more than 50,000 euros will also be banned, EU sources said.The package also prohibits EU credit rating agencies from issuing ratings for Russia and Russian companies, which the Commission says will further restrict their access to European financial markets.The latest sanctions follow three rounds of punitive measures which included freezing of assets of the Russian central bank and the exclusion from the SWIFT banking system of some Russian and Belarusian banks.The EU also agreed on Tuesday to strip Russia of its "most-favored nation" trade status, opening the door to punitive tariffs on Russian goods or outright import bans.UK slaps 35% tariff on Russian vodkaThe UK government also announced a fresh round of sanctions on Russia on Tuesday. It will ban the export of luxury goods to Russia and will introduce tariffs on Russian goods worth more than $1 billion. The additional 35% tariff will be applied to imports including vodka, steel, works of art and fur. The United Kingdom will also deny Russia and Belarus access to its most favoured nation trading tariff for hundreds of their exports, effectively depriving both countries of key benefits of their WTO membership."Our new tariffs will further isolate the Russian economy from global trade, ensuring it does not benefit from the rules-based international system it does not respect. These tariffs build on the UK\'s existing work to starve Russia\'s access to international finance, sanction Putin\'s cronies and exert maximum economic pressure on his regime," finance minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement.— CNN\'s Rob North contributed to this article. \n- New York (CNN Business)Citigroup, the major US bank with the biggest footprint in Russia, said Monday it will expand its exit from Russia to go beyond the long-planned sale of its consumer bank there.Citi said in a statement it has decided to "expand the scope" of its exit process to include "other lines of business and continue to reduce our remaining operations and exposure" in Russia."Due to the nature of banking and financial services operations, this decision will take time to execute," Citi said, adding that it is "moving with urgency" to complete the assessment of its Russia operations.Here are the companies pulling back from RussiaCiti did not detail specifically which operations will be unwound, but the bank provides investment and corporate banking services in Russia to institutions and high net-worth individuals. In April 2021, Citi disclosed its intent to exit its consumer business in Russia.Citi\'s latest announcement comes after Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan announced last week they will leave Russia. Deutsche Bank on Friday said it will get out of Russia, reversing its previous position.Read MoreCiti has nearly $10 billion worth of exposure to Russia as of the end of last year, according to regulatory filings. "We will continue to manage our existing regulatory commitments and our obligations to depositors, as well as support all of our employees during this very difficult time," Citi said Monday.\n- Japanese authorities ordered crypto exchanges on Monday not to process transactions involving crypto assets subject to asset-freeze sanctions against Russia and Belarus over the war in Ukraine.The step was taken after a Group of Seven (G7) statement on Friday that said Western nations "will impose costs on illicit Russian actors using digital assets to enhance and transfer their wealth."There are growing concerns among G7 advanced economies that cryptocurrencies are being used by Russian entities as a loophole for financial sanctions imposed upon the country for invading Ukraine.The US Treasury Department issued new guidance on Friday that required US-based cryptocurrency firms not to engage in transactions with sanction targets."We decided to make an announcement to keep the G7 momentum alive," said a senior official at Japan\'s Financial Services Agency. "The sooner the better."Read MoreCoinbase, Binance resist calls to kick Russians off crypto platformsThe Japanese government will strengthen measures against the transfer of funds using crypto assets that would violate the sanctions, the FSA and the Ministry of Finance said in a joint statement.Japan has lagged a global shift among financial regulators in setting stricter rules on private digital currencies, while the G7 rich powers and the Group of 20 powerhouses have all called for greater regulation of "stablecoins."Unauthorized payments to targets under sanctions, including through crypto assets, are subject to punishment of up to three years in prison or a 1 million yen ($8,487.52) fine, the FSA said on Monday.There were 31 crypto exchanges in Japan as of March 4, according to an industry association.Global regulators remain concerned about the safety of the new market for investors, given its surge in popularity. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has cited the potential for market manipulation as one of the primary reasons for rejecting several applications for spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds.'
At this stage, we have both the question and the appropriate context to generate an answer. Now, we can use any suitable PLLM to generate an answer based on the provided question and context. I have personally tried different models. Some models are so large that they take 30-50 seconds to generate a single answer. Smaller models generate answers faster but do not always accurately extract information to answer the question. However, I found T5-base
to be much faster and more accurate. Here is the T5-base
implementation below:
model_name = "t5-base"
tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, legacy=False)
model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name).to(device)
def nahidOrg_answer_by_t5(question, context, max_length=150):
input_text = f"question: {question} context: {context}"
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(input_text, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
outputs = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=max_length, num_beams=5, early_stopping=True)
answer = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
return answer
answer = nahidOrg_answer_by_t5(question, final_retrived_contexts)
print(f"Answer: {answer}")
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Answer: 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion)
For the question 'What is the estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports, according to the Commission?
', we got the answer '3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion)
'. If you look at the context and read the article at index 0
, you will see that the answer generated by T5-base
is 100% correct. However, even though the answer is correct, it is quite abstract. I have found that GPT models by OpenAI
are exceptionally good at generating answers in a more detailed and complete form. Currently, OpenAI offers three main models: GPT-3.5-Turbo
, GPT-4
, and GPT-4o
. OpenAI provides an API to access these models, with costs based on the number of tokens. Among the three models, GPT-3.5-Turbo
is the least expensive (\$0.5 for input and \$1.5 for output per 1 million tokens). In this tutorial, we will use GPT-3.5-Turbo
. To use this model, you need to log in to OpenAI, purchase credits using your credit card, and create an API key
that will be used to communicate with the GPT-3.5-Turbo model.
First, we need to create an object of the OpenAI class with the API key you will receive from OpenAI. My API Key looks something like this: sk-proj-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
. Note that you shouldn’t share your API Key with anyone, as people could use it for their own tasks, which will deduct money from your account. The method nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo
takes a plain text question, contexts, and a maximum token length (we used 250
). It first creates a prompt using an f-string where you can give multiline instructions to gpt-3.5-turbo
. The first instruction requests the model to generate an answer based on the provided context or show an apology message (Sorry Nahid! I don't have enough information to answer that.) if the model can’t find an answer. The messages variable sets the model’s role as an intelligent assistant (you can change it how you would like the model should behave, charming, sarcastic etc.), and the user role provides the actual question and context. Finally, the API call is made to generate the answer.
def nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo(question, contexts, max_tokens):
prompt = f"""Answer the question based on the provided context. If the context doesn't contain the answer, say "Sorry Nahid! I don't have enough information to answer that."
**Question:** {question}
**Context:** {contexts}
messages = [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are an intelligent assistant that answers questions based on the provided context."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
response = client.chat.completions.create(
return response.choices[0].message.content
answer = nahidOrg_answer_by_gpt35_turbo(question, final_retrived_contexts, 250)
print(f"Answer: {answer}")
Answer: The estimated financial impact on products due to the ban on Russian steel imports is 3.3 billion euros ($3.6 billion), according to the European Commission.
If you look at the answer generated by the gpt-3.5-turbo
model, it is quite amazing compared to T5-base
. You can post-process the answer according to your preference. This is the end of this tutorial. I encourage you to explore other PLLMs to achieve even better answers. Thanks for visiting nahid.org